Class Delivery


This Class represents a dataobject for an Order Delivery

Variable Summary
bool $DeliveryEstimate

Wether or not the Delivery should be included in a Delivery Estimate

bool $FixedDelivery

Wether or not the Delivery is available for Fixed Delivery

bool $FreeDeliveryActive

Indicates whether or not the Delivery has free delivery active

double $FreeDeliveryPrice

The price limit to activate free delivery

int $Id

The id of the Delivery

string $LanguageISO

The language Language ISO code of the Delivery for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)

bool $MultipleAddresses

Wether or not the Delivery is available for Multiple Address delivery

bool $OverLimitFeeActive

Indicates whether or not the Delivery has over limit pricing active

double $OverLimitFixedFee

The fixed fee of the over limit pricing

double $OverLimitPercentageFee

The percentage (of the order price) of the over limit pricing

double $Price

The price of this Delivery method (calculated from the Weight of the order supplied in Delivery_GetByRegion)

bool $Primary

Whether or not the Delivery is the primary delivery method

bool $RegionMode

Indicates whether the region mode of the delivery (all, range, list)

string $ServiceType

The the service type of the Delivery

int $Sorting

The position of the Delivery amongst its siblings

string $Text

The text of the Delivery

string $Title

The title of the Delivery

string $Type

The type of the Delivery

int[] $UserGroups

The ids UserGroups for which this Delivery is Available

boolean $Vat

Indicates whether or not the Delivery has vat

int $ZipFrom

The lowest Zip of the Delivery (for RegionMode range)

int[] $ZipGroups

The Zips of the Delivery (for RegionMode list)

int $ZipTo

The highest Zip of the Delivery (for RegionMode range)

Documentation generated on Thu, 26 Jul 2018 13:22:46 +0000 by phpDocumentor 1.4.4